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Reward System Of Tang Dynasty

Posted on:2016-12-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z C MaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330479487861Subject:Legal history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
When we talk about ancient Chinese society, the law is one of the means of social control. The state has a powerful force to protect law enforcement. But for the people, only power is not enough to regulate their behavior. Therefore, the ancient Chinese rulers not only use strong means of social control, a flexible approach also guided the choice of one of the ancient rulers, such as reward system.In ancient Chinese society, in order to control the state, the ruler often guide and regulate the behavior of all members through a series of institutionalized form. Reward and punishment are the most effective means. Tang Dynasty has brilliant achievements, the relevant provisions of its reward system is relatively complete, for the rule of law will also has to be learned significance in today’s society.There are four aspects about establishment and development of the reward system of Tang Dynasty. Firstly, followed the previous generation’s reward system. Secondly, the need to appease the heroes in early times of the dynasty. Thirdly, the need to encourage the soldiers in the frontier, and finally, the need of rule of virtue. This article will take heroes rewarding for an instance to introduce Tang Dynasty rewarding system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tang, Heroes, Reward system
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