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The Study On The Subjectivity Of The Translator In Light Of The Theory Of Hermeneutics

Posted on:2016-04-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330473957635Subject:French Language and Literature
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Today no one will not doubt a clear fact:The translator plays an important role in the process of translation. During the process of translation, the subjectivity of the translator determines the choice of the text, the reasons of the translator and the style of the translation. However, as everyone knows, the subjectivity of the translator is ignored in studies of traditional translation for a long time, we especially pay attention to linguistic structure, or to the proficiency and the translation techniques. Nevertheless, in recent years, especially since the’cultural turn’, people began to change their concepts of subjectivity, and the subjectivity of the translator became the Center to more researchers. In addition, studies have become more and more important.Traditional translation theories argue that the author of the original text is more authoritarian while the translator is in a subordinate position. The translator should be faithful to the original text, deals with both the author and the reader. As the development of studies in translation, the theories of contemporary translation such as the descriptive translation, the interdependence theory, the feminist translation theory and the theory of deconstruction, the theory of ecological translation emerge. Under the influence of these theories, it is believed more that no matter how the translator wants to try to hide, his vision of the world, his vision of life, his personalities values and his taste will inevitably play a role in his works of translation. In other words, the translator has his subjectivity in translation. Subjectivity is a concept in philosophy, referring to the alienation of the essential power of the object during its activity. The subjectivity of the translator refers to the subjective initiative reflected in the activity of the translation by the translator. The basic features of the subjectivity of the translator are his culture consciousness, self-awareness, his humanistic character, his cultural creativity and his aesthetics. It is worth noting that when the translator enjoys a great freedom in the translation, it must act under certain constraints. To be a good translator, he must master a skill:balance between the subjectivity and the self-control.Hermeneutics focuses on the activity of the understanding and the interpretation of the text and the translation also involves the understanding of the text. Essentially, the study of hermeneutics and research of the translation are designed to explore the meaning of conversion. People do focus more on static between the original text and the target comparison, but the dynamic study by putting the text target in social and historical environment. At the same time, the subjectivity of the translator was found. The study of hermeneutics provide new insights, broaden the scope of the translation studies and deepen the understanding of the people of the translator. Influenced by the poetry and traditional Chinese aesthetics, judgements of the translation are generally rather intuitive, subjective and impressionistic, but lacks something objective and systematic analysis of the translation. In addition, most of the judgments of translation seem to remain the simple task of correcting the errors of words. This memory is designed to make a study on the subjectivity of translators reflected throughout the practice of both versions of the book Bel Ami Maupassant. The study is made on the initiative of the translator in light of the theory of hermeneutics.This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one provides an introduction. It introduces the setting study, the meaning of the study and the structure of this memory. Chapter two is the literature review, which consists of three parts. The first part presents the General book representation Bel Ami de Maupassant. The second part presents the research on the subjectivity of the translator, which consists of two parts: the study on the subjectivity of translators before the " cultural turn " and the study on the subjectivity of translators after the "cultural turn". The third part presents the general representation on hermeneutics, including also two parties:The introduction of hermeneutics and hermeneutics and the traditional translation. Chapter three is a comparative study of the two versions of Bel Ami from the point of view of the subjectivity of translators. It gives an introduction details the three principles of the theory of hermeneutics:the translation under the influence of " pre-understanding " the under the influence of " fusion of horizons " and translation under the influence of the "principle of effective-history". Chapter four is the conclusion. It behaves trios part:the General conclusion, limits and the suggestion for future study. And then, it is the fifth chapter:the bibliography.Finally, the conclusion is given:In the process of literary translation, subjectivity exists as objective a reality. The subjectivity of the translator is an effective way to interpret the book Bel Ami. The subjectivity of the translator displays not only in the process of translation, but other factors also such as:the purpose of the translation and the original text selection. The translation will not have the final version. Translation is not just a conduct of research and the restoration of the original meaning, but a creative activity throughout the translation with the elements of the subjectivity of the translator. However, this does not mean that translators can do what they want, but it must be under a certain size limit. It is the responsibility of the translator to balance the dimension, which is the embodiment of his great personality.The important significance of this memory is:In the studies of translation, subjectivity plays an important role in the search for the translation and the translation of literature criticism. A translator must be subject to certain restrictions in its piping while enjoying great freedom. And a good translator must find a balance between subjectivity and self-control.
Keywords/Search Tags:the subjectivity of the translator, the theory of hermeneutic, Bel Ami
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