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Bakhtin’s Dialogue Theory And The Study Of The Bible

Posted on:2016-11-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C L HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330470981786Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
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The Bible is the Judaism-Christian religious texts, is common to all mankind civilization, its classic and far-reaching influence is little in doubt. However, the Bible is different from the general classic, not only for it has the religious, history, law, literature and many other attributes, but the Bible text inside is intertwined with the variety of consistent and even contradictory ideas. Thus, reading of the Bible is very complex, and unique charm lies in the bible. To interpret the Bible text using what kind of perspective, able to draw what conclusion depends on the theoretical tools and interpretation of position selection. This paper mainly uses the Russian thinker Bakhtin’s dialogue theory on the text of the Bible, to investigate the problem of the dialogue.The biblical text operation is mainly reflected in the following aspects with the dialogue theory analysis: first, the most direct and obvious is based on Bakhtin’s own background of religious thought. Bakhtin grew up in the infiltration of the traditional Russian Orthodox, and deeply influence on modern European Philosophy and culture, showed a clear tendency of philosophy of religion thought. Second, the product of the Bible and dialogue theory belong to the historical period of transformation. Before and after twentieth Century are era that an important period of transition course of human history, similar to the background of the times gave birth to the cultural attribute of interlinked. The characteristics of the dialogue of the Bible is mainly manifested in the relationship between author and protagonists, the relationship between the author and protagonist dialogue relations and the God of Bakhtin and the people with the inherent similarity, but they are not the ideal relationship of dialogue. Based on the ideological origins of the sort of dialogue theory, it can be found that Bakhtin’s dialogue theory subordinates "more" to "one", this tendency led Bakhtin to clearly recognize the dialogue factors of the Bible. Biblical faith birthmarks and realistic characteristic which point to dialogue thought overall subordinate "one" to "more", but also reflects the relationship between dialogue and monologue are not mutually exclusive, they conversational exists in the biblical texts.The Bible is a record of the Hebrew nation the ups and downs of the magnificent picture, completely reflect the complexity of the external world and the inner character and diversity, the mixed style of Bible is the biblical creation reality oriented results, this style can’t applicable to the theory of the traditional genre classification. Bakhtin critically inherited the previous results, the establishment of ultra linguistic theory, its essence is to emphasize the significance of context for text and speech genre theory is developed based on the super linguistics, embodies a concentrated reflection of the dialogue theory point to the real life. Speech-genre is the way of the world literature dialogue. The Speech-genre theory in the view of the Bible shows a "novel" in the style of the narrative level, reflects the innate nature of dialogue. Bakhtin attaches great importance to the style of novel unfinished feature, this feature makes the Bible in the specific narrative level have great originality. The scene of repetition and space-time sense fuzzy is an important feature of biblical narrative, it is difficult to effectively interpret the theory with Alter’s and others’. Advocates to jointly explore the content and form of the works from the two dimensions of time and space theories. In the dimension of time and space under the influence of the concept of time, the ultimate combination of the Bible, the narrative features of the Bible can be relatively reasonable explanation.Bakhtin thought Dostoyevsky’s works in the analysis based on the theory of polyphonic concludes, "polyphony" is polyphonic theory terminology, is essentially Bakhtin’s dialogue theory of literature and art expression, stressed on the importance of dialogue theory is not completed, uncertainty. The polyphonic features of the Bible is mainly manifested in the polyphonic structure and the polyphonic characters. The main characters in the Bible, such as David, Jesus and Job have polyphonic color obviously, "Job notes" style, thought and so have a distinctive feature of the dialogue, taking as an example, the Bible is compatible with a variety of ideas, showing all the hubbub of the inclusive interpretation. Based on the analysis of the novel Bakhtin Rabelais and medieval Festival on out of the carnival theory, carnival is transformed form of Carnival Festival and the traditional carnival in literary works. Carnival reflects the emphasis on dialogue theory of equality, universal in nature. The Bible’s carnival is mainly manifested in the style and world view, the carnival factors in the gospel is more concentrated, taking as an example, combined with the biblical text "the soldiers mock him" plot, combing the carnival tradition, and then explore the deep reason of Carnival factors exist in the Bible.The dialogue theory is the basis and soul of Bakhtin’s entire academic system, also reflects Bakhtin’s lifelong pursuit of the tireless efforts of equal dialogue. In the paper of the inherent tension in the presence of all the hubbub of the root of the Bible, the dialogue of the Scriptures, both gains and losses. The theory of dialogue and the Bible are out of deep concern for universal valuable ideal. By using the micro perspective of dialogue theory on the Bible text, you can see the Bible text reflects the pluralistic coexistence, advocate equal dialogue between different subjects can be thought of the human society, the present and the future have positive significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bakhtin, Dialogue Theory, Study of the Bible
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