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Study On The Interaction Of Sculpture

Posted on:2016-05-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330470978227Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper tries to investigate sculptures with interactive properties, from my personal point of view rather than the traditional path. To categorize, summerize and to analyse the characteristics of modern sculptures with the structures allowing the transformation of its original state and meanings after interactions.First of all, I try to trace back to the origin of interactions around sculpture art. Certain interactive properties have always been there in the context of sculptures, the interactive properties involved in this text also rooted from the same context. Further on, through field work and interviews to compare the typical interactive sculpture works, and to analyse and summarize to contribute to my own unique point of view towards interactive sculptures and I also did a little ananlysis of current conditions.Secondly, this essay takes quite a good research on domestic contemporary artists, so as to narrow down the range to investigate the rising tendency of interactive sculptures within art academies. Through interview to compare and analyse this tendency within the young generation and to discuss their limitations.Finally, I examined the importance of interaction through personal practices, and ananlysed the influences and values of interactive properties in today’s sculpture practice from angles of methodology and aesthetics.In the conclusion part, I tried to forcast the future trends of interactive sculptures, and to contribute some of my own suggestions on today’s aesthetic transformation, and its implications to futural sculpture practices.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sculptures, Interactive, People, Participation
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