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An Interpretation Report On The Interview Of Franz Geyling

Posted on:2016-12-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330470973291Subject:English interpretation
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Person interview has been a well-known news style. In recent years, person interview shows are often seen on newspapers and TV news reports, which are loved and welcomed by readers and spectators. The mass media often use person interviews to advertise the interviewees’ experience, social contributions and academic achievements. Chinese people and those from other countries can be selected and interviewees. Though they have different nationalities, the cultural communication is border-free. As the well-known professionals or historical figures are generally the interviewees for the interviews, assimilating foreign advanced cultures and principles has great practical significance for promoting cultural communication and economic development while the interviews for foreign professionals and famous figures are helpful for China to learn about other countries’ cultures and promote the development of bilateral relations. Consecutive interpretation is necessary for the interviews of foreigners. As a medium of culture and information, a consecutive interpreter plays an important role in an interview. Therefore, this article aims to make a detailed analysis about consecutive interpretation in this field through the interpretation practice of interview.This interpretation project, entrusted by Libaofa the senior engineer and associate professor of translation of Tianjin Binhai Power Co. Ltd, is a ripped consecutive interpretation of an interview recording of Dr. Franz Geyling, son of a great Austrian Architect named Ralph Geyling, who attended the academic seminar “City, Space, and Human” in 2006. As miss interpretation, misinterpretation and low-quality target language existed during the interpreting process in the original audio, Tianjin Radio and TV Station decided to have it reprocessed for advertising history and culture in modern Tianjin to keep it as an oral material in Tianjin Modern History Museum. Culture is the soul of a city, while architecture is the core of city culture. Keeping this ripped audio helps people to learn about the former historical culture of architecture in Tianjin and promote further communication of architectural culture between China and western countries.This article is a consecutive interpretation report focusing on the ripping of Dr. Franz Geyling’s interview audio. During the interpretation process, the author applies definition theory as the guidance and support of this article, with Christiane Nord’s text analysis theory is combined to analyze project background, the interviewee’s experience and the work situation of ripping for comprehensive pre-interpretation preparation. Meanwhile, problems such as the vocabulary selection of historical culture of architecture, grammar restructuring, speech recognition, miss-interpretation and hesitation led by misinterpretation can be detected. In the practice, the importance of an interpreter’s professional qualities, professional knowledge and interpretation notes should be realized, which can contribute to cultural transmission while accumulating precious experience of person interviews.
Keywords/Search Tags:person interview, definition theory, consecutive interpretation, ripping
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