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The Study On The Les Noces Barbares Under The Perspective Of The Myth Archetype Criticism

Posted on:2016-06-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330470482098Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Yann Queffelec is a well-known French writer who loved ancient Greek drama so much and affected by the Bible so deeply.He created a great sensation in 1985 with his work named Les Noces barbares which won the highest award ceremony of French literature Goncourt Literature Prize. This book has become one of the most representative works of Yann Queffelec. The figures, images and plot setting of this work are so profound by the Bible. At the same time, the author expressed the longing for the ancient Greek humanism spirit. Although it is a simple story about the relationship between a mother and a child, it apparently shows people’s confusion in the modern society, the confrontation between human and society, the mutual hostility between person and person. This opposite relationship even has eroded the natural kinship. The author borrows the archetype of Bible and the ancient Greek tragedy to analysis their inner world and the causes of abnormal relationships in-depth inquiry. The domestic researches for this work is very limited. The related researches are just from the single angle of psychoanalysis. Therefore, this thesis will apply Northrop Frye’s mythos- archetypical criticism theory to study the text. Through the reference, application and replacement of the myth archetype in this work to explore the psychological structure of people and the ethical relationship between us in the modern society.The full text is divided into six parts: in the first part I will introduce the mythos-archetypical criticism theory briefly, in order to find a suitable theory point of view. At the same time discuss something ahout Yann Queffelec’s experiences and his work named Les Noces barbares.In the second part, through the comparative analyze the characters between the biblical archetypes and the text. Then we knew that the real reason of man’s falling is not the crime itself, but the prevarication of the sin.In the mean time, the innocent human had to suffering a lot because of people’s imitation desire for the social evil. The third part, considered the images of Bible in this works and concluded that the only way to get the true salvation in front of the world is your choice and behavior. The fourth part, through the author’s narrative structure deformation and replacement of the Bible to discuss the change of modern ethical consciousness. It brings us a new moral judgment and ethical choice methods. The fifth part makes a comparative analysis of the characters in the works and the ancient Greek myth archetype. This comparative achieved a wonderful irony effect. At the same time, discuss our freedom of choice and the right to life. Finally, conclude the entire article’s content and viewpoints. The author use the Northrop Frye’s mythos-archetypical criticism theory deeply reveals that the most ordinary person’s emotional experience, ethics choices and ideology in our modern society. Modern people’s lonely situation is not only reflected in the isolation with the whole society, but also reflected more in the isolation with themselves. It is hard for them to get rid of the sense of disgust to themselves.
Keywords/Search Tags:Les Noces barbares, mythos archetypical, Bible, The ancient Greek tragedy
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