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Research On Yu Zi

Posted on:2016-07-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C X MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330470475305Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Yu Xiong is an important ideologist, politician in the Western Zhou period, the works of "Yu Zi " not only occupy a space for one person in the rich ideological content, China ideological history, but also has a certain literary, in Chinese literary history should also occupy a certain position. However, the current academic study of "Yu Zi" is still in the critical interpretation of ancient texts, on the edition and literature, pay less attention to the literature. Therefore, this paper intent based on previous results, do further research for "Ideological and literary Yu Zi". This paper consists of three parts:The first chapter of the "authenticity" Yu zi. Mainly from the literature of "Yu Zi", "Yu Zi" records appear in the book of historical events, type of writing and the "sell" the sub genre and several other aspects of analysis, research the " Yu Zi " is the real sub fragments sub set of "Hanshu Yiwenzhi" Taoism ".The second chapter analyses the category of "Yu Zi" The ideological content. "Yu Zi" thought category mainly include take good care of people, respect able and virtuous persons, self-cultivation, etc.. "Yu Zi" is rich in content, it is a family of the universe, there’s the Confucian and Legalist way, the thought of respecting talents.The third chapter analyzes the artistic achievement of "Yu Zi". Mainly from the literary style, reasoning methods, language features of the three aspects, to explore the literary vend son. Flexible use of quotations, dialogue, on Style of writing, clever use of metaphor, comparison, using the reasoning methods, parallelism, true to the language characteristics, Simple words with a deeper message, a variety of factors constitute the "Yu Zi" literary achievement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yu Xiong, "Yu Zi", Textual research, Thought, Artistic characteristics
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