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An Aesthetic Study In Materials Of Chinese Lacquer Art

Posted on:2016-03-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330470472391Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese has five thousand years of history, culture is countless, lacquer art is the treasure house of a bright pearl. China lacquer embroidery exquisite jade, a clear hierarchy,porcelain history, art value is material beauty and technology combination of beauty, art,beauty of lacquer material to show the Chinese civilization wisdom, the lacquer ware after thousands of years of time and the new look, show the value and artistic characteristics of lacquer art the material, which is also the unique charm of lacquer materials.The beauty of lacquer material is mainly reflected in the texture of the material and spiritual beauty beauty of color, material, texture beauty natural beauty of material and material aspects. Understanding the beauty of art materials, understand and grasp the characteristics of beauty of art materials, art appreciation, is a way to improve the aesthetic and own quality, and to explore and study the beauty of lacquer material is fundamental to understanding and creation of art works of art creators. Understanding the lacquer material form and color, texture, texture and beauty of spirit is an important way for us to fully display the lacquer material nature and art in the creation, but also an important guarantee for us to create outstanding works of art is more close to nature, close to life, reflect the beauty of the material itself.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lacquer Art, Materials, Aesthetics, Formal Beauty
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