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A Study On The Images Of Flute Sound In Poetry Of Song Dynasty

Posted on:2016-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F F LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330470460206Subject:Chinese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Image is both visual and auditory, but people almost focus on the aspect of visual imagery toward the study of poetry, thus relatively ignore the study of other sense organs, especially the auditory one. Actually, the auditory image is also essential in the poetry, like Li Shi wrote in his poem <Xi Jiang Yue>, ”I stayed lonely wearing raincoat in the midnight with the drunk, the flute sound being chimed by wind ”,where the sound of flute in the evening from river was arranged in the end of this poem. It not only represents the author`s affection, but also fully describes the state of the poem. It is exactly the auditory image that brings a new aesthetic experience,which is different from the description of red flowers and green willows. In addition,under the strong impact of optical centralism, our audition, including other sense organs, is unprecedentedly overlooked and squeezed. As a result, people gradually become the what Nietzsche called “opposite disable man”. There is no doubt that visual sense is paramount in the nation of the sense organ, but it does not mean that we only need the vision, and does not need the balanced development of other sense organs, in particular the audition. Therefore, at the moment of concentrating visual aesthetics, the culture study field has proposed the new thought on the importance of“listening ”. In recent years, academics in our country also have been focusing on the culture of audition, and some papers have been published. However, it is still in the early stage and does not arouse academic`s concern. This paper starts with an overview of “hearing sense”, and tries to concentrate on the sound which people always is easy to ignore. It breaks out the once study of image, but the flute sound image in the Song Poems. My paper looks forward to expressing the art value of auditory aesthetic, adding a vivid sound pathway for this multi-colored visual word.There are a number of flute sound images in the Song Poems, with different setting collocated to their different space backgrounds. From the point of time, flute sound blows around the quiet night and dusk. From the point of space, flute sound can be spread from mountains and frontier fortresses, tall buildings and post houses and riversides. Besides, when flute sound is combined with moon light and Mei flowers,the extraordinary atmosphere will be created.Flute, the men-made instrument, is an effective carrier to deliver sounds and affection. The sound wave, as its medium, which expresses the rhythm of life and emotion and directly functions on auditory organ. It makes the flute sound associatewith the feeling of homesick, worry and sorrow, elegance and bold. At the same time,due to the internal association between flute sound and affection in our real life, flute musics and allusions which are connected with flute also contain abundant emotional connotation.The expression of affection usually embodies all images, let alone flute sound one. It is not only the entity and space to produce, express emotion, but also controlled by it. Due to the peculiarity of flute sound image which is distinct from other images, it still plays an indispensable and irreplaceable role in the shape of Poems-realm. In addition, the flute sound acted on audition can break out the single field of audition, associating with other sense organs, like vision, consciousness and the sense of touch. It integrates with different sense organ impression, thus provides us with a more three-dimensional and complex aesthetic experience.
Keywords/Search Tags:Song Dynasty’s Poetry, Flute Sound, Image, Audition
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