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Look At The Cartoon Elements Chinese Painting In Contemporaryart From Chen

Posted on:2016-07-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330464969209Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The cartoon to the charm of its unique image to conquer the young generation, cartoon elements into painting, forming a cartoon style painting style, is an important aspect of the development of the times under the style of art. Contemporary cartoon theme artists will express works as an emotional outlet, use virtual cartoon image to give vent to their inner feelings, express their ideal in the dream world, show myself of the good society pursuit.In this paper, "New Cartoon Generation" on behalf of artists- Chen as cited by detailed analysis of Chen cartoonish paintings and other artists element analysis, the cartoon has the features to explore the effects of painting cartoon. The first chapter is the introduction, this research background, research value,research status, research methods and research and innovation heavy and difficult to carry out an overview;the second chapter defines the concept of cartoon, popular culture and its promotion Cartoons in the development of domestic and foreign; the cartoons in the country’s development leads to the "New cartoon generation" Chen on behalf of artists, which leads to the title of Chapter III, the evolution of the form of cartoons by Chen and Chen-style painting cartoon form works Features analysis to understand Chinese contemporary art cartoon elements; fourth chapter is the key and difficult sections of this paper discusses the cartoon element to Chinese contemporary art has brought opportunities for innovation, in order to undertake the last chapter of the first section of this chapter, the first thing to Why Chen cartoon to illustrate the elements of contemporary Chinese painting and Chen in China to build a cartoon elements provide the possibility of how to make the analysis. The second section is a cartoon by characteristic points elements to see other things in addition to Chen cartoon theme artists active role in promoting the development of China’s cartoon elements made of, where other artists add more enhance this paper describe Chen a person to express the sense of the cartoon drawing component elements. Tell the artist cartoon element provides for the possibility of development in China, the third section from the values, aesthetic orientation and business opportunities in three areas, emphasizing the cartoon element in the development of contemporary art in China has great feasibility. In the fourth section and affirmed the cartoon elements in contemporary art influence. Eventually reach the main expression of this chapter, the cartoon element gives China anopportunity for innovative contemporary art; and finally the fifth chapter is thinking on the arts, and social elements of the cartoon appeared triggered, and the impact on my painting ideas.
Keywords/Search Tags:China, contemporary art, cartoon elements, Chen Ke
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