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Thai Choral Arts

Posted on:2016-12-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D L D o l h a t h a i I n t Full Text:PDF
GTID:2295330464964826Subject:Command command
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The purpose of this research was to investigate the history of choral music in Thailand and to study the conducting of Thai Choral Music. This research used qualitative methods, documentary research, formal and informal interviews, observation and personal experiences.This research aims to collect information on Thai Choral Arts including the historical development of western music in Thailand and historical development of Thai choral music. Also, to introduce Thai traditional piece "Lao Duang Deuan" as one of the very first Thai traditional compositions that was arranged into the style of choral music. This arrangement had been published by international presses. In the research, this arrangement will be further interpreted and analyzed as an example of Thai Choral Music that differentiates from other western choral music.The research will be divided into three chapters:The first chapter is about "Historical Development of Choral Music in Thailand".The second chapter is about "The Current Situation of Choral Music in Thailand".The third chapter is "A Selected Thai choral repertoire" "Lao Duang Deuan"Composed by:Prince Penpatpong/Arranged by:Dr. Kittipon Tantrarungroj...
Keywords/Search Tags:Thai Choral Arts Thai Choir Thai Choral Music
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