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The Analysis Of The Ethical Thought About Ecology,Marriage,Economy And Politics In Zhou Yi

Posted on:2016-01-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J MuFull Text:PDF
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18 CPC National congress putts forward these four points. First, it initiates prosperity, democracy, civilization and harmony. Second, it initiates freedom, equality, fair and rule and law. Third, it initiates, patriotism, respect-work, integrity and kindness. Fourth, it cultivates the core value of socialisms. Putting forward the construction of the core value of socialism not only needs positive practice in the level of practice, but also needs a strong theoretical system as a support. People pay attention to thinking resource and theoretical lesson for the construction of the core value system of socialism in the traditional culture. In recent years, the hot of ZhouYi is a typical example of cultural phenomenon.ZhouYi was regarded as the head in the Han dynasty. It has a great influence on the later generations through the Han Confucian and Song Confucian. Form ancient to modern times, there are lots of paper and works studying ZhouYi. In recent years, academia gradually study ZhouYi itself. Although these study achievements have contribution in theory, they have still something to study further.In consideration of the pioneers‘ contribution and limitation, there are three fields of my research. And these conclusions, after the meticulous work, have been found: the first, a rich fund of ethics and ideas was contained in “ZhouYi”, and the core and the basement of these ideas is developed from “harmony between the heaven and human”; the second, the mechanism of the specific admonition mode of “ZhouYi” is “Watch people in days”;the third, to achieve “Heaven isomorphic”through the method of “Unity of Heaven”, in “Zhou Yi”, “Heaven” had been made as the source of the authority and the metaphysical basement of the morality, and this theory settled the theoretical basis of the authority and the metaphysical basement of “Confucianism”; the forth, by setting “Heaven” as the theoretical basement, “To heaven and earth for an organic whole” as the normal form, great deterrent would be showed up by forecast the “Kyrgyzstan, fierce, regret, streamline” of the person and the event; the fifth, the highest ethical demand of “ZhouYi” is Maintaining harmony in harmony Realm, and the initiative of this book is harmony, not only the harmony of the human society as the nations, but also the harmony of the universe as popular.My innovation is that,First, Present and explore, by the systematic methods, the ethics of the marriage, the ecology, the economics and the politics. Second, noticing the differences between “script” and "note" in the research to reveal the theoretical characteristics of the age.The meanings of the ethics of “ZhouYi” are: the first, on the basement of the morality order, demonstrated the idea of “Confucianism”, which devote great attention to the morality and the civilian, inherited and developed the tradition of “Confucianism”; the second, the position of “human” had been raised up in the relationship of the “nature” and the “human”. “ZhouYi” attached much importance to “The devil seeks”, and more importance to “People seek”, so the morality and the behavior of a person had been linked to his future and fortune.The meaning of the research of “ZhouYi” are: the first, based on the purpose of the harmony of the universe as “Maintaining harmony”, the narrow view of the individual, the group and the nation should be abandoned, and great effort should be paid on the work of peace of the society, the world and the universe; the second, nowadays, socialist core values, which mean “Prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized and harmonious, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, patriotic, dedicated, sincere, friendly”, have been advocated by the Communist Party and the government, and the cultivate of these values is on the basement of the excavation of the intellectual resources. Then, as a conclusion, the harmony idea from “ZhouYi” could be one of the intellectual resources which will provide great help to the socialist core values.The ethics of “ZhouYi”, certainly, has its Limitation. The author of this book made attempts to demonstrate the opinion that men are superior to women, through the power of the “Heaven”, and then make the order of the feudal society absolute and eternal. And these points should be paid attention to discriminate in the working of the research of “ZhouYi”.
Keywords/Search Tags:ZhouYi, QianKun, Ethical Thought, Harmonious
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