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Child Abuse Behavior Analysis Of Ethics And Its Prevention And Prevention Methods

Posted on:2016-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y T WangFull Text:PDF
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It has been caused a strong social reaction that it happen many child-abusing events in China recently. As the disadvantaged group, the principal position and the living circumstance of children has caused public debate fiercely. However, deep-rooted notion that spare the rod and spoil the child is still popular among Chinese, and it has been considered legitimate that parents and teachers take physical punishments on children. Children-abusing problem is always in the unconscious status which is hard to intervene by the public actively. The trampling life of children reveals the lost of the basic moral value and hits the moral bottom line, such as humanity, conscience and responsibility. It is high time for us to arouse alertness and cognition of the public people. As long as the whole society takes the responsibility for children, trying to keep them from abusing, it is possible that children grow up healthy in physically and mentally.Children-abusing is a broader concept, according to the WHO, “Child maltreatment, sometimes referred to as child abuse and neglect, includes all forms of physical and emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect, and exploitation that results in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, development or dignity. Within this broad definition, five subtypes can be distinguished – physical abuse; sexual abuse; neglect and negligent treatment; emotional abuse; and exploitation.” Children-abusing behaviors can take many forms, from parents beating and scolding children, compelling children to beg, teachers do physical punishment to preschool teachers maltreating children, baby-sitter maltreating children, children guardian maltreating children, abusing and laboring children. So far, it is obvious that the behavior of children-abusing is universal, the main part of children-abusing is complicated, the characteristic of the children-abusing is diverse. Children-abusing behavior not only does the reparable damage to the children body, but also does the incurable wound to the children spirit. The maltreatment not only hit the basic ethics of human society moral values, challenges the bottom line of the human ethical standards, trample on the children’s basic human rights, but also does the reaction of the human civilization and social progress, and destroy the moral foundation of the harmonious society.Children-abusing behavior which is embedded in family ethnic anomie, teachers ’professional anomie and the anomie of social responsibility is learned in three aspects, and it is from home and school and society. The family ethnic anomie shows up as improper family education way, the negative effects of poor family trait and the sexual assault from family members. The teachers ’professional anomie manifests the against of basic occupational norm and professional integrity, overly strengthen discipline and obedience, does children maltreatment in teaching procession, especially violence, corporal punishment, indifference and overlook from kindergarten teachers to kids. The anomie of social responsibility shows that domestic workers such as babysitters abuse children, caregivers in the medical institutions(such as a nurse) abuse infants, children has been employed, prostituted and abducted.In ethic horizons, the subject of children-abusing ethical anomie stems from collective unconsciousness to children-abusing behavior of the main body on the moral cognition, the indifference to children subjective personality in ethnical culture, non-rational cognition to children-abusing problem in moral psychology, the lost of moral values in the moral evaluation, the stable and unified reference for the moral responsibility of children-abusing behavior which is taken by social subject. So the ethical path for the prevention and control of children-abusing should keep the principle of child care and happiness, the principle of respect and protection, the principle of justice the principles of maximizing interests of children. For building the theory of “be kind and love to each other” in modern family ethics, it should strengthen construction of the teachers’ professional ethics quality, improve the social ethical cognition of prevention and control to children-abusing problem, complete the social intervention and legal relief for children-abusing behavior. All in all, we should go back to humanistic love and kindness, creating a warm living environment of health and happiness for children.
Keywords/Search Tags:child, child abuse, ethical anomie
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