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The Limit Of Anti-colonialism By Culture Resistance

Posted on:2016-05-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330461975733Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper is about the argument related to Taiwanese Homeland literature of the 1930’s.It is a comprehensive historical analysis and also touches upon later responses to this argument. An attempt to discern the background of the argument is made through analysis of contemporaneous literature which is influenced by left-wing literature. A re-interpretation of the argument (regarding Taiwanese literature from 1930-34) is offered through application of primary source materials from the popular press and other archives.The argument proceed on two levels:1.try to evoke the nationality of stress on the class character of literature.Analysis of the background and ideology of each party to the argument and of the structure of the argument themselves seeks the provenance of the disunity between them. Neither side needed to deny or negate the other, and a common set of written symbols created a "moment" which led to subsequent cooperation. The supporters of each side, though differing on many frontes, united in the face of the Japanese colonial government to move literature along. They set aside their prejudices and established "The Association of Taiwan Literature and Arts" and "The Alliance of Taiwan Literature and Arts". Above all,Local people lived in the tension between a Japanese legal identity and a Chinese motherland cultural ethos. The Taiwanese literature of the era was stillborn. But it is still worthy of inspection and analysis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Taiwan Assimilation Policy, Anti-colonialism by ulture resistance, The Arguments of Homeland literature, left-wing literature
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