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The Slogan Writing In Horizon Of Corporate Culture

Posted on:2016-09-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330461494594Subject:The writing
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the increasing pace of globalization, China has experienced a rapid growth stage. Economic developing plays an inseparable role in the fast growth period of China, and the stable development of economy also can’t apart from the flourishing of Chinese diversified organizations. The standard of culture diversification in a modern enterprise has huge impact on its development. As for enterprise culture consists of its value, belief,ceremony, and the way of solving problem, which shows a special cultural image. To what extent, it can’t apart from attractive and encouraging cultural slogan. As the spirit and soul of corporate culture, it takes a lot of time and energies, as well as an analysis on the slogan writing, to figure out a significant and meaningful corporate culture slogan. Corporate culture slogan is a relatively new field lacking in-depth and widely analysis. However, organizational staffs have paid sufficient attention on corporate culture currently and the creating of slogan is the key factor to determine the enterprise culture value. So how to analysis enterprise culture slogan and create it based on some professional writing manner and method is the predominant topic in this paper. This paper aims at introducing a particular method in corporate culture slogan creation that based on the analysis regarding current enterprise culture slogan creation situation, combing with professional writing method andmanner, as well as the analysis on some specific slogan creation case. In conclusion, in the purpose to connect corporate culture slogan writing in principle with that in practical situation, this paper will introduce corporate culture slogan creation combing with real writing methods,which provides abundant motivation for the development of corporate culture.The abstract firstly cleared out the analysis objective and mission,and made conclusion and analysis based on current existing research. In addition, this abstract teased out relative theories and research designs about the topic, and pointed out the real impact as well as the significance of this topic. Lastly, the abstract figured out the innovative aspects of this paper and some difficulties encountered during the analyzing process.The first chapter is: introductory to corporate culture slogan. First of all, the paper pointed out the definition of corporate culture slogan, and the differences as well as similarities between the regular slogan and corporate culture slogan. In addition, the paper classified corporate culture slogan technically into 8 categories according to their different characteristics. Lastly, the paper figured out the nature and function of corporate culture slogan clearly in order to better present the importance of the cultural slogan to the organizational culture.The second chapter is: the contextual analysis about corporate culture slogan. This paper analyzed corporate culture slogan contextbased on 4 aspects, the slogan objective, the different working and displaying objectives, the historic and times characteristics of cultural slogan, and the classification and hierarchy of different organizational department and slogan content; which make the author can create appropriate cultural slogan based on different contextual condition.The third chapter is: the basic processes of corporate culture slogan writing. This chapter focused on combining writing method and knowledge with corporate culture slogan writing process, according to topic selection, body construction, linguistic tailoring and modification 4aspects; which make people have a directly and straightforward view regarding the corporate culture slogan writing process.The fourth chapter is: the four principles of usability, aesthetics,innovation, and moral character, emphasizing the writing subject to all kinds of basic literacy requirements to ensure that the standard of work culture slogan.The conclusion part mainly focused on the summary and criticism about this paper, and pointed out the innovative aspects as well as the limitations.
Keywords/Search Tags:corporate culture, slogan, writing
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