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Research On Returning To The Life World Of Practice Philosophy Of Gramsci

Posted on:2015-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330461464439Subject:Foreign Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Antonio Gramsci, one of the main founders of the Communist Party of Italy, is a famous western Marxist theoretician and politician. In his Prison Notebooks, the philosophy of practice was expounded entirely, in which he inherited Marxism and put forward many penetrating and original views. He lives in the twentieth century, when western philosophy turned from human reason to the living world, thus on the basis of understanding of the living world, philosophy of practice was raised. It’s vital significant for cultural construction in China by revealing enlightenment from Gramsci’s philosophy of practice. In this thesis, based on the analysis of philosophy of practice and from the perspective of returning to the living world, cultural enlightenment function of philosophy of practice is further analyzed, and by combining Gramsci’s philosophy of practice with Chinese reality, its reference function for building our socialist core values is presented.In addition to the introduction and the conclusion part, the thesis consists of three parts:In the first part, the background and content of the philosophy of practice by Gramsci, which returned to the living world, is briefly introduced, and then the important concept of “cultural leadership” is recommended and analyzed particularly. Gramsci’s philosophy of practice was formed under which objectivism is criticized on theoretical level, and a practical critical historical determinism The basic content of Gramsci’s philosophy of practice is to emphasize the unity of politics and philosophy, and establish a kind of practical ontology based on “practice”. The way to achieve actualization of Gramsci’s philosophy of practice is to obtain cultural leadership, while the realization subject of cultural leadership is organic intellectuals, whose culturist is political parties.In the second part, for Gramsci’s philosophy of practice, returning from reason to the living world is illustrated. Gramsci’s philosophy practice leads to social revolution transform to the field of cultural life criticism, highlighting human meaning and value, and the final value orientation is to come back to the living world for cultural enlightenment with regression common sense. In accordance with analyzing the common sense of life philosophy, the importance of paying attention to the living world is demonstrated deeply.In the third part, the realistic enlightenment of Gramsci’s philosophy of practice is summarized. Political parties and intellectuals need to take active part in nurturing cultural spirit in the process of modernization. To achieve deep cultural enlightenment, elite culture and popular culture should be integrated effectively. And the ultimate goal of Gramsci’s philosophy of practice is discussed heavily, that is to help citizens learn to judge facts reasonably, respect common sense, abide by historical regularity and scientific thinking, so that ordinary citizens can shift to rational citizens gradually.The thesis aims to interpret cultural factors and it’s meaning of enlightenment which involved in Gramsci’s philosophy of practice in an all-round manner from the perspective of returning to life, the new research angle and new purposive point, thus it can provide certain enlightenment and reference to cultural construction in the real world.
Keywords/Search Tags:philosophy of practice, cultural leadership, returning to life world, cultural enlightenment, common sense
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