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From Literature To Film

Posted on:2016-03-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F F ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330482450853Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
British writer J K Rowling’s best-selling novel "Harry Potter" has received a huge amount of frenzy since its publishment. At the same time, with the popular series of novels, the film of "Harry Potter" also put on the screen in 2001. Owning to the successful adaptation of the text, "Harry Potter" can transform from a fantasy novel to a successful film. At the same time, the harmonious development of film and literature makes "Harry Potter" onto the literature peak, and creates huge benefits both in economic and social area. In this paper, taking the novel "Harry Potter" as the breakthrough point, analyses the adaptation process from novel to film. Also the success of "Harry Potter" in literature and film can make a model for the Chinese magic film adaptation.This paper makes a comprehensive systems analysis of "Harry Potter" film adaptation and hopes to provide experience to Chinese magic film adaption. Based on the analysis above, this paper includes three parts, which are the film adaption potentials based on the original test, the transfer process from literature to film, and the inspiration to Chinese magic film adaptation.The first chapter analyzes the adaptation conditions of novel "Harry Potter", mainly from the story, cultural connotation, and language features. "Harry Potter" series tell a little boy’s growth story. J.K Rowling constructs a fascinating magic world for children and adults all over the world. Three young partners’friendship story provides a good material for the film adaptation. Secondly, "Harry Potter" series inherit the children’s literature, fantasy fiction and the typical British traditional culture. It combines religion, witchcraft culture, and Greek culture in one book. Deep cultural connotation provides a rich and colorful creative material for the film and strengths the movie culture. At the same time, the language of the novel has a film character which provides convince for the film adaptation such as distinct sense of pictures, vivid characters, and representational imageries.The second chapter analyzes the transfer process from novel to film. First it analyses faithful reproduction including reproducing image and theme continues. Second it analyses the film creative reconstruction including the adjustment of plot and movie techniques adding. Finally, it summarizes the defects during the adapting process.According to the above analysis, the third chapter points out Chinese magic film existing deficiencies such as insufficient of stunt, blankness theme, lack of imagination, lack of connotation. This aims to arouse Chinese television workers’ attention so as to improve the quality of Chinese magic film.
Keywords/Search Tags:Harry Potter, adaptation potential, adaptation process, inspiration
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