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Effective Strangeness

Posted on:2016-03-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330479482316Subject:Research on Contemporary Visual Modeling Schema
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Interpretation on the strange, the meaning is "not familiar with, strangers things".This kind of feeling, is essentially a feeling of not experience recognition.The so-called "effective strangeness", is to use a certain method to render its interaction with the transmission, give a person with a strange, the feeling is different from normal experience.Original form of art or art, often in strange ways to realize the sensory stimulation.Graphics(image, audio and visual form, or subject matter or content of knowledge, as long as the feel strange information is passed to the target object, and to generate a strange feeling, the target object can be as effective.Second, the target object when receiving such information, often subject to individual control of their own cultural cognition and experience, and leads to the effectiveness of the strangeness, mixed with the viewer’s own experience or with their experience to judge.This article attempts through to the outbreak of cartoon- a popular culture studies, further illustrate "strangeness" in people’s visual and psychological culture construction.Outbreak of cartoon in disassembly, analysis research, we can through the success of the outbreak of cartoon intervention strategies and means of social culture fully feel the caused by the edge of the word "suspended" strange effect.The author thinks that, artists create strange experience and "suspension" effect at the same time, should have a arbitrary or deliberately pursue their own way of communication, there is a study of the target audience, and empirical references, to help with the creation of further, consciously to guide the audience want to express its views or emotion.
Keywords/Search Tags:effective, strangeness, outbreak
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