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Song Engraved Research Posts

Posted on:2016-10-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H GuoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In Chinese culture, calligraphy course of the study, is bound to come into contact witha lot of the book traces as a reference and theoretical basis, and the most powerful basis than calligraphy artworks, but like calligraphy Wei Jin, Tang Dynasty and other periods, due to old age too truly authentic calligraphy has spread almost as time goes by and the Lost, and no trace of comparative reference book will cause a great obstacle for us in the course of the study of Chinese calligraphy, and carved posts appear, especially Song Dynasty carved posts, which saved a lot of traces of previous books, though not a true original track, but it is second only to the original track of valuable reference materials. Through the study of the Song Dynasty carved posts, for us to learn about Chinese calligraphy culture has an important guiding significance.The first part of this paper, and distinguish between inscriptions carved posts, so that people have a preliminary understanding of posts for the moment. The second part of the quote in question originated engraved in no case does the academic argument, summarized posts origin engraved with "House of the seventeen posts" for the beginning of posts, beginning with Southern Tang carved posts for the two posts argument and analysis research results and conclusions themselves. The third part of the Song Dynasty carved posts are classified:the Song Dynasty carved posts by content type and nature of the divide. Part IV analyzes the causes Song flourished carved posts, mainly by political, economic, cultural, historical and other seven factors. The fifth part, calligraphy style and aesthetic tendencies Song by Song Dynasty calligraphy carved posts embodied in the Song Dynasty carved posts content from the start, come to the Wei and Jin Song book advocating the wind. By Song calligraphers calligraphy demonstration style book Shang Yi Song drawn style. The sixth part of the value of the Song Dynasty carved posts:carved posts aim is to produce learning spread the art of calligraphy, calligraphy Song carved posts in universal education, and changes in the mode of transmission of calligraphy has great artistic contribution. Has some theoretical value in the previous book saved tracks, as well as generate a quote to learn respect. Part VII, the Song of Song carved posts not only has an important impact, but also for future generations effect, gave birth to the Yuan and Ming Dynasty style retro book style book of romanticism in Chong Qing Yang posts monument environment Under the Song Dynasty carved posts still has an important role irreplaceable.
Keywords/Search Tags:Carved posts, Inscriptions, Song carved posts
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