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An Research On " Music And Dance For Presentation" In Chen Jingu Festival Ceremony

Posted on:2016-03-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The city female Chen Jinggu, "becomes the goddess from an ordinary individual ", because of her virtue and kindness of helping people in need, granting children to households, protecting citizens and defending the frontier of states. She has become embodiment of the true, the good and the beautiful and is worshiped by a vast number of people from the bottom of their hearts. After thousands of years of temper, the waterfront empress Chen Jinggu has gradually become multifunctional god of "supporting bearing, life, growth and production" and possesses the noble virtue of "doing good for big love" and "protecting the young". " Music and dance for presentation" in Chen Jinggu’s festival ceremony with unique divinity and peculiar virtue well displays the dance performances of unique artistic style, imprinted by the folk culture with unique characteristics. The culture connotation of waterfront empress is vividly presented in front of an audience through "music and dance for presentation, upholding a beautiful national spirit. Therefore, it is of great significance to explore Chen Jinggu’s "music and dance for presentation in the folk culture ceremony.Through repeated "field surveys", we have gained abundant information. The paper sets " music and dance for presentation" in old Chen Jigu festival ceremony, Gutian Linshui Palace in 2014 as the research subject and has done a research on the important parts of " music and dance for presentation". It tries to blend forms features and other factors of music, poetry, dance of "music and dance for presentation"with the historical and cultural background of Chen Jinggu’s time and has done a deep research to explore the implication of its cultural connotation and value. The author wishes to make contribute to the development of folk belief of Chen Jinggu.
Keywords/Search Tags:music and dance for presentation, Chen Jinggu festival ceremony, music and dance, cultural connotation, value and significance
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