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Study Of "the Past Story" In Milan Kundera’s Immortality

Posted on:2016-11-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330470954863Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Milan Kundera, one of the active old writers on today’s literary world,is one of the largest influence foreign writers on contemporary Chinese literary writers.Chinese literary have raised the Kundera climax of translations and read once again.His masterpiece The Unbearable Light of Life and The Art of Novel redefines a generation Chinese novel concept and the reading concept.His works often appears the references of real historical figures,This peper will focus on the immortality,take "the past story" as an entry point, analysis its value in novel theme and narrative, especially study of the fiction poetics and thinking of history of implied. It is composed of three parts:The first part illustrates the definition of "the past story", its position in the Immortality and whether it’s faithful to the history. In the Immortality,"the past story","fiction in the novel","the novelist’s world" and the episode together constitute the novel different narrative levels, in "the past story", the Kundera through narrator’s intervention,supplementary information, directly comment and other forms to guide and states the "the past story" theme, so that the "the past story" tightly bound within the novel.The second part analyzes the sense of "the past story" in the Immortality theme and narrative. Thematically, Kundera uses past and present co-expression to ensure the unity theme; in the narrative, through the "the past story" in the narrative provides some the core of the matter, Kundera put the past and present together closely so that all levels of the novel form a complete whole. The possibility and the model of " the past story" offered,makes the theme extended narrative and narrative deepen the theme all the time, The value of "the past story "both of the theme and the narrative.The third part focuses on the fiction poetics and the history issues.From the Kundera,"the past story" implies his own novel poetics,which reflects his thinking of human exists and the whole history;Out of the Kundera’s novel poetics,"the past story" suspect the absolutely right of traditional history, which behind the suspection,its implies the thinking on contemporary society.Through the analysis the "the past story" in Immortality, we learn about the value of real historical figures in Kundera novel’s thematic unity and integrity of its narrative structure,we can see his attention and thinking of reality also.
Keywords/Search Tags:Milan Kundera, Immortality, "the past story", the narratorintervention
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