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The Status Of The Regular Scriptin The Contemporary China Calligraphy Circle And Influence Of Art

Posted on:2016-11-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J ChengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
National Calligraphy of Exhibition, the largest brand exhibitionwhich is held by Ministry of culture of PRC and Chinese CalligraphersAssociation every five years, assuredly gets more attention fromofficial calligraphy, and has become an extremely significantexhibition. It is thriving throughout the Beijing Main ExhibitionGalleries and Galleries all over the countries. However, behind thegorgeous scene, we have to accept the reality that Regular Script isharder and harder to get acknowledged. The latest National RegularScript Exhibition was held a decade ago while National Calligraphy ofExhibition has been held dozens of times. Under the circumstance,the author is trying to explain some specific reason.The heart of argument is to retrospect the historical role ofregular script, and analyze the reason of depression by discussingthe historical source, developmental trajectories and the grandoccasion of regular script in Tang Dynasty.1. Due to different learning curve and time requirement, peoplewill rather select Cursive Creative Style than Regular Script.2. It’s impacted by the main melody official national calligraphyexhibition and the language patterns in continuation of the aestheticpractices. 3. The influence of social value system and the temptation ofpeople’s practical interests urge readers to lose the pure intention.4. The painting conception and technology from westerncountries has enormous influence to Chinese calligraphy.Besides, regular script itself needs to be improved.
Keywords/Search Tags:regularscript, DangDynasty, NationalCalligraphyof Exhibition
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