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Intertextuality And Pleasure: Viewing Experience Of Knowing-audience And Its Determinants

Posted on:2016-08-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y HuFull Text:PDF
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Adapting popular novel into a TV drama has become the new contents of marketing strategies for the industry of film and television media. This study choose the perspective of the knowing-audience, to explore how the knowing audience take the novel-reading experience into the consumption and acceptance of adapted drama, how they evaluate the adapting effect, what kind of aesthetic and entertainment experience they will get.The study found that, the heterogeneity between different tests of novel and film will bring audience different experience. First are different angles. Omniscient point of view increases the integrity of characters, the limited angle increases suspense, the interpretations of the fiction and drama are usually two complementary perspectives. The second is sampling and specific differences. The text of the film makes the role concrete, the audience will bring the content or character which does not exist in the novel basing on personal experience。The audience’motivation of consumption adapted drama is holding the desire to explore the director’adaptation and the actor’s interpretation, on the other hand they have superiority of knowing, trying to feel pleasure in questioning, eager to participate in the discussion.From reading novels to watching TV, the audience had a large or small gap closely related to the classical degree, degree of adaptation and the type of original story, type of character. First, to the classic novel, knowing-audience to a larger extent regard the original as the standard reference system to strictly require adaped drama, the greater the degree of adaptation is, the more obvious gap of feeling. But to ordinary novels, the audience hold a more tolerant attitude, the gap of feeling depends on the adaptation of the quality, to a certain extent it will be the complement of the original. Second, the logical plot-compact original, the audience more strictly require the adapted-drama, the adaptation of the novel of Literature and art get more acceptance. Third, the audience require more strictly to the roles who have stronger sense of replacement, and vice versa.
Keywords/Search Tags:knowing audience, intertextuality, audience interpretation, classical degree, degree of adaptation
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