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A Study On The Narrative Mode Of Kazakh Narrative Poems

Posted on:2015-05-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L XiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330467975314Subject:Chinese Ethnic Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Kazakh narrative poem is originated in Kazakh ethnic areas and widely diffused amongKazakh people, it is called "Dastan" in Kazakh language and can be divided into three forms:heroic narrative, romantic narrative and legendary narrative. Based on the analysis of Kazakhnarrative texts, using narrative methods and literary theories, the thesis analyzes the narrativemode of Kazakh narrative poems. The analysis is addressed in three parts: the analysis on“narrative perspective”,“narrative structure” and “narrative style”. In the first part, the thesiscategorized the narrative perspective into three kinds, they are “zero focalization”,“internalfocalization” and “external focalization”. In the second part, the thesis analyzes the narrativestructure mainly from structures of both character and plot in Kazakh narrative poems. In thethird part, the thesis studies the narrative styles including literary style and language style,which present us a full picture of Kazakh narrative poems.To sum up, the thesis thoroughly discusses the narrative mode of Kazakh narrative poemsfrom various aspects, and provides a new perspective for Kazakh literary studies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Kazakh, narrative poems, narration, mode
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