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On Bi Feiyu’s Novel Creation

Posted on:2015-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330467970862Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Bi Feiyu has been one of important powerful writers in the republic of letters since1990s.From his maiden work “isolated island” in1991to the novel “massage” in2008, he had kepton writing for nearly20years. During his writing, he had changed the subjects about hiswork for several times. Form the early90s when he pursued metaphysical narrative to1995when he began to explore the existence state and deep psychology of contemporary urbanand rural people, and analyze to individual fate deeply, all of the work had showed that agrowing outstanding writer pursued unremittingly on arts. Relying on a strong sense ofresponsibility for society, persistent enlightenment reason spirit and sensitive and profoundcompassion, Bi Feiyu has already grown into one of the most attractive contemporarynarrators. He brought to the contemporary literary wold not only great vitality but alsodynamism with his creative work.The paper is divided into three chapters. The first chapter briefly reviews the "historicalconsciousness" of his new historical novel in the early creation. The second chapter is thecentra of this paper, which focus on analysing the realistic writing of his mature period. Inorder to more completely outline the way of the writer’s artistic development, the thirdchapter dealt with three aspects of Bi Feiyu artistic characteristics. This paper does not cutacross all of aspects about Bi Feiyu’s novels. It only concentrates on a few central issues sothat we can sort out and expand the study of his novels, explore the cultural connotation of BiFeiyu’s novels, examine its laws of art creation, and make a generalization for his creationsrealistically.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bi Feiyu, history narrative, real life, tragedy aesthetic, perspectiveutterance
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