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Research Of Lin Bingzhang

Posted on:2015-04-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330467960760Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the First Opium War, Foochow is one of the soonest cities which were impacted by the west. Confronting the grave national crisis, innumerable prominent people came out from here, they concerned about the country and the society, meanwhile seeking the way to save our nation and striving for social development positively. Lin Bingzhang is a typical example in these prominent people. Firstly, this text presents his one-life story comprehensively, then focus on the discussion of his achievement on industry, education and banning on smoking. The author think that Lin’s industrial activities had leaded the fashion and promoted the economic development of Foochow. In addition, his education enterprise had fostered so many talented people and impelled the development of modern education of Foochow. Furthermore, his work on banning smoking had contained the disaster of opium, at the same time, was very helpful to the purification of general mood of contemporary society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lin Bingzhang, Industry, Education, Smoking banning
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