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The Research Of Lotus Applied To The Textile Designs

Posted on:2015-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330467957099Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In today’s society, with the rapid development of economic, people’s materiallife becomes with great selectivity meanwhile it is also accompanied by the increasingworking pressure which led to the gradual recession of the spiritual world. In this kindof environment, some service industry which aims to help people to relax and relieveboth physical and mental began to flourish, such as yoga, spa. At the same time, thisalso led to the boom of bionic design industry. Bionic Design is an emergingdiscipline which developed on the basis of bionics and Design, mainly related tobiology, ergonomics, psychology, communication science, materials science,aesthetics, color science and such multi-disciplines. Its research scope is very broadand the research content is extremely rich, which can be roughly divided into fourtypes---form bionic design science, function of bionic design, visual bionic designand structural bionic design. The form bionics design is based on biosome and naturalmaterials existence and its external form in symbolic meaning as the research object,and the corresponding art processing technique will be applied to the design. Thispaper, from the perspective of morphological bionics, to apply the natural elements inthe design that cause the resonance of the consumers, and also adding the design ofthis commercial behavior with a kind of humanistic care which lead people to returnto the peace.Return to nature always can heal people’s anxious mood to obtain the comfort ofthe mind, so even the most hypercritical people cannot resist the natural things.Nature is endless, so does the bionic design prototype. Nowadays many designers arethinking about to draw inspiration from the natural elements then apply in the design.Studying nature in order to get more abundant design resources and clearer designidea is the trend. The color inspiration of the natural world as well as the animal andplant forms can be well applied to the practice of home textile product design. It canmake the design works have a higher level of spiritual connotation, and can get thefavor of consumers, which helps to maximize product consumption value. Flower is the angel of nature. The lotus flower, with its charm of excellence, andlive in the silt but not imbrued, which is of reverence by Buddhism. It also conformsto the aesthetic taste and spiritual pursuit of Chinese people. In this paper the lotusflower is chosen as the research and design object. On one hand, the lotus flower isloved by most writers and painters from ancient to modern times because of itsgorgeous flower and leaf states which appear very different styles and artisticconceptions in different seasons. And they had many artworks themed with lotus;these artworks provide a large amount of reliable material for this paper research anddesign. On the other hand, in traditional Chinese culture lotus has a lucky impliedmeaning, because lotus in Chinese pronunciation is “He” which is homophonic as“合”which means united. So lotus is involved in a lot of auspicious patterns. Lotus isalso seen as a symbol of beauty, purity and noble moral character. Therefore, thedesign works with the lotus elements will mentally more easily arouse the consumersdeep inside desire of be away from the noises and returning to peace.This paper, on the basis of summarized the major lotus painting masters styles ofall ages, combined with modern visual design approach, and extracts and integratesthe lotus in different growth stages of color and graphics, depending on thepreferences of the audience according to different age levels, synthetically apply tothe textile designs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Natural element, lotus, audience, textile designs
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