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Chinese Movie Abandoned Chinese Classical Aesthetics In The Blockbuster Era

Posted on:2015-09-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330467956964Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Entering the new century, in the back ground of globalization, theChinese film market is facing a strong impact on Hollywood films andmultiple pressures of the domestic market reform, through hardships,spewing out. Affected by Hollywood "high concept" movie mode ofproduction, the Chinese film has opened an international viewpoint, orientalspectacle, commercial production of large film models. Taking2003’s"Hero" as a starting point, China ushered in the blockbuster era. Chineseblockbuster Showed the prosperity in just a few years. Indeed, from theperspective of the industry, the shooting of a strong impetus to large filmmarket, led to the prosperity of the Chinese film market. However, manyChinese blockbusters blindly follow the trend, mostly presented to theaudience one after another visual feast. Owing to staged grand scenes,fantasy stunt, the Chinese movie missed connotation and the audience hasfatigued. Survival time of many Chinese blockbuster is very short. So highevaluation is not high box office.In fact, fundamental mistake of the Chinese blockbuster is not that theyare wonders of video production, but that they lack the mental sense"means" construction, the lack of national and cultural identity, the lack ofhuman feelings and historical depth. Chinese films are based on commercialprinciples to make the image and ignoring the cultural context. They do not assume construct more valuable, more prestigious brands movies culturalmission, resulting in spiritual connotation and lack of cultural heritage.This dissertation focuses on the era of Chinese blockbuster moviesabandoned the presence of the phenomenon of Chinese classical aestheticsas an entry point to analyze the occurrence of this phenomenon and itscultural background.In order to seek the return of the spirit of Chineseclassical aesthetics and reconstruction of cultural values of ethics. First of all,taking the classic Chinese films as an example, select three angles ofChinese classical aesthetics to discussed, analyze the spirit of Chineseclassical aesthetics. Then with a detailed analysis of four sections, analysisthe specific performance of Chinese films abandoned Chinese classicalaesthetics. The first section analyzes the vacancy of Confucian virtue whichhas been Inherited thousands of years. Chinese blockbusters in order to buildwonderful image, Over express the war and violence scenes, which goesagainst the Confucian virtue opposite. The second section analyzes the lossof gentleman personality. The lack of a large number of Chinese charactersin the elegant shape, resulting in the absence of a gentleman, lost Gentlemanpersonality of Confucian beauty. The third section analyzes the lack ofinterest, Some Chinese blockbusters lack meaning aftertaste space. Thefourth section analyzes the broken of artistic conception, which is theChinese film different from other film charm. Chinese blockbusters missartistic conception because of random pile of pictures. Next is a briefanalysis the cultural background of Chinese blockbuster abandoned Chineseaesthetics. At last, put forward suggestion that Chinese film should return toChinese classical aesthetics and build "Hollywood" movie brand, seekingspiritual reconstruction of Chinese classical aesthetics and valuereconstruction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese movies, blockbuster era, abandoned, Chineseclassical aesthetics
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