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Implementing Chinese Characters In LOGO Design

Posted on:2016-10-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Q FengFull Text:PDF
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The terms “Globalization” and “Global Village” has been brought to our sensesin recent years due to the rapid advancement of worldwide economy, nations from allover the world are now connected. But followed by the economic advancement in thehuman race, other sectors are now inter-merging as well. This would be beneficial,however there has also risen an issue of “overly globalized” or rather,“overly-English-dominated.” Where English is now appearing in front of us as theunofficial “official” language for advertising. Chinese on the other hand is becomingincreasingly “un-popular” when designing LOGOs, even for the nationally-limitedChinese companies. It is true that companies with English LOGOs are more easilyrecognized in the global market, but is it not “being unique” the aim for designersworldwide? Chinese characters are considered beautiful and mysterious in variousparts of the world, its usage should be promoted instead of demoted, and being overlyglobalized is where Chinese LOGO design has gone astray. This essay will mainlyfocus on the re-promotion of Chinese character usage in LOGO design.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese Characters, LOGO, Globalization, Differences, Unique, Chinese, Design
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