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Comparison And Analysis Of Animal Idiomatic Expressions In Chinese And Italian Languages

Posted on:2015-04-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L W Y AoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330467486211Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Idiomatic expressions are concise and vivid; they also contain a profound truth and a shining light of wisdom. Animal idiomatic expressions are usually favored by people, because they have vivid images and evoke bright associations. Further research of Chinese and Italian animal idiomatic expressions will explore some similarities and differences between animal imagery in these two cultures, which also will be useful during translation of Chinese-Italian or Italian-Chinese idiomatic expressions. In this thesis, through carring out a detailed analysis of animal idiomatic expressions in Chinese and Italian languages we have divided all aminal idiomatic expression into three main groups:fully-corresponding animal images; half-corresponding animal images; non-corresponding animal images. Differencies in Chinese and Italian animal idiomatic expressions were influenced by four main life aspects:Firstly, different location, different natural environments and different weather conditions have led to different lifestyles in two countries. Secondly, different religious beliefs have caused usage of different animal images and their meaning. Thirdly, different literary and cultural texts. Literature is our cultural heritage; a lot of animal idiomatic expresions are originated from literature, so its role cannot be overexxagerated. At last, cultural circle. International relationships have played an important role in spread of different images of animals between different cultures. Taking into consideration how rich Chinese and Italian languages are in idiomatic expression and all the above-mentioned factors, translating Chinese and Italian idiomatic expressions requires a deep understanding of the two cultures and a great social knowledge.
Keywords/Search Tags:Animal diomatic expressions, Comparison, Cultural differences
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