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Research On Childhood Trauma In Depressive Tendency College Students

Posted on:2016-12-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330467481927Subject:Basic Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
We are now increasingly under pressure from various aspects with the accelerated paceof life, this would lead us to produce a variety of psychological problems. Depression is oneof the most impact of mental illness. Childhood is a very vulnerable period for a long time,traumatic events in childhood will have a great effect on the form of mental or psychologicalproblems in the adult period.This research used opened questionnaires and questionnaires and individual analysis tostudy the relationship between depressive tendency and childhood trauma based on theprevious research. This research is divided into three parts:Research1: Using the open questionnaire and interview to collect the words when collegestudents think of childhood trauma event. Then use the words we collected to form the initialquestionnaire of childhood trauma events. Finally using the initial questionnaire to investigatethe general attitude on childhood events of college students and the degree of damage causedby childhood trauma.Research2: According to the two scale screening out51depression tendency collegestudents and then select51normal college students. The two groups of subjects weremeasured with the childhood trauma questionnaire and the obtained data was analyzed. Andwe also randomly selected10students to start a individual interview in each group.Reseaech3: We selected2tendency college students from research2for case analysis.From all about the three researches we get the following three conclusions:(1) Through research1, we conclude that the college students’ understanding ofchildhood trauma generally focused on parents and teacher and mainly in terms of physicalabuse and physical neglect.(2)Through research2, we conclude that tendency college students and normal collegestudents have significant differences in total scores and emotional abuse and emotionalneglect scores and physical neglect scores. The scores of tendency college students in thisthree dimensions is significantly higher than those of normal college students.Through research3, we once again proved that the traumatic childhood experience especially the neglects from parents in the childhood does have a significant impact on thefuture of adult life.
Keywords/Search Tags:depressive tendency, childhood trauma, college students
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