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The Association Activities Of Yangdu And His Ideological Evolution

Posted on:2015-09-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F F QiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330467456910Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
His life seems to be kept in the community activities, his thoughts and uniquepersonality has no reservation in the community activities reflected and sublimation.Both his club activities or ideas are every hour and moment is not in the pursuit oftruth, to explore the road of salvaging the country. Although his personal heroism andserious, organized the "to raise the safety," in the history of tainted, but we can notdeny his to save the country, can not neglect his hidden in the community activitiesand thoughts of the independent personality.This paper is divided into five chapters: the first chapter introduces his earlyexperience, the emperor of dreams. His early life and learning experience of theirthought in particular had a considerable impact on the emperors. Coupled with theregional culture, young Yang is not only a Juren and cherish lofty political ambitions.The second chapter reviews Yang start-up community activities, and discusses itsconstitutional monarchy advocate. Because of the continuity of thought development,under the influence of Western learning, Yang is a traditional gentry into modernintellectuals in the late Qing Dynasty, participate in and creates a lot of politicalgroups, constitutional monarchy was formed and matured.Community activities Yang degree of the third chapter in the Republic of China,reveals the thought changing trajectory. Yang in the early years of the Republic toparticipate in and create a lot of political groups, with group has been established,many changes his thinking has changed, the first is Yuan Shikai’s restoration of themonarchy in bang the drum for sb., after the failure of Hongxian monarchy, Yangmood purification and sublimation in Buddhism, help Sun Zhongshan complete thedemocratic aspirations, in his later years the Communist Party of Chinese seesmedicine people salvation of hope, to accept the baptism of the party to join therevolution, and Zhou Enlai’s confirmed, is an outstanding member of the Communistparty.The fourth chapter summarizes and analyzes his ideas, and changeable mutationcauses. With the continuous transformation of the living environment and social role,a person’s thoughts change dramatically in the common effect of many factors also. The fifth chapter summarizes. Interspersed in the text of some of his personalitycharm of the induction, helps us in dealing with the complex historical figures,historical materialism, establish the correct values, the formation of the evaluation onhistorical figures in the standard.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yang Du, association activities, Ideological evolution
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