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Impact On The Value Of Listed Film Companies

Posted on:2016-02-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y JiangFull Text:PDF
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With the strength of capital markets, to improve corporate governance structure, enhance the company’s management, enhance capacity for sustainable development, and become the industry leader, it is the dream of many film and television business. In recent years, "Cultural Industry Promotion Plan", "the CPC Central Committee decision on deepening reform of cultural system to promote socialist cultural development and prosperity of a number of major issues" and other policies were introduced, the cultural industry has become a pillar industry of the national economy and social development of the strategic objectives have been established film and television industry is ushering in an unprecedented development opportunity. With the domestic capital market IPO(Initial Public Offerings, an enterprise IPO to investors through the stock exchange) re-gate opening, more and more companies will realize the dream of television public financing. This article aims to explore the specific impact of the film company listed on the value of the qualitative and quantitative aspects, to provide a reference for the film and television business listing and financing.This thesis consists of five parts:The first part is the full text of the whole presentation, the main contents include topics realistic background and significance and research methods, as well as the theoretical basis and the main documents of this article. The second part introduces the concept of the value of the relevant television companies as well as the value of the company’s film and television Way, acts described and presented. The third part of the film and television business value theory to conduct a comprehensive analysis and discussion. This section is divided into two aspects, one discussed the company’s valuation method to determine the quantitative model to calculate the value of film and television companies; on the other hand from a qualitative point of view to explore the various factors that influence the value of film and television companies. This part is later laid a theoretical foundation. The fourth part is a case study, the third part of the integrated use of qualitative and quantitative methods, a comprehensive analysis of the specific impact of the listing of the television business value. The fifth part is the full text of the summary and outlook for future research directions.It is a combination of theory and practice issues listed closely with the film business value. Although foreign countries have developed a series of more mature film theory of corporate finance and financing model, but China’s film companies and foreign film companies in development, industrialization level, management, responsibility,it is not possible to film financing foreign theories not copy and need to foreign film theory and the development of their own situation and social realities combine to find which suits our country’s film business,not suitable for the part of the innovation and development.Unique film product supply and demand rules, the value of the formation of the special characteristics and film business mode of operation are the main factors increasing the value of the enterprise value of the film, and decided not to rely solely on their own primitive accumulation. China’s current financial system but also to some extent, restricted the ability of enterprises to obtain film development funds through indirect financing, prompting listed companies has become an effective way to solve the financial problems of the film. Through the listing of enterprises to achieve development of the film industry to grow and not only for the film itself, the spirit of our civilization, economic growth pattern, enhance the comprehensive national strength and so has a positive significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:listed, film and television companies, value, impact
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