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Research Of Zhang Si Wei And ‘An Da Feng Gong’

Posted on:2016-02-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330461986571Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Ming dynasty was founded in 1368, and destroyed by Manchu in 1644. The life of the Ming dynasty is 276 years. During the more than two hundred years time, the relationship between the Ming dynasty and the Mongolian tribes which lived in northern China is very important. They both have war and peace. This condition will cause profound influence to their social economy. In 1570, Bahan Naji which is the grandson of Altan Khan surrendered to Ming dynasty suddenly. The Central cabinet of Ming dynasty and the Local governors grasp this opportunity promptly. They strongly contributed to the peace agreement between Ming dynasty and Altan Khan, which was known as “An Da Feng Gong” in history. It marks the insecure condition which has existed for hundreds of years between Ming dynasty and Mongolian tribes has Officially ended, and the peaceful stable period has come.During the time of “An Da Feng Gong”, the humble Zhangsi Wei who is the official department assistant minister is a very important and indispensable special role. He has a special relationship with the central cabinet and the local governors. Zhangsi Wei is the confidant and trusted subordinate of Gao Gong and Zhangju Zheng, besides he is the nephew of Wangchong Gu who is a governor of the Xuan Da city. So he can convey the important message between central cabinet and local governors,and also give some advice and suggestions to his uncle Wangchong Gu.This paper roughly be divided into four parts. Chapter One is on the below subject: “Briefly introduction the family and official career of Zhangsi Wei”. Chapter Two is on the below subject: “Analyzing the relationship between the Ming dynasty and the Mongolian tribes before the An Da Feng Gong”. Hope to find out the different changes of their relationship at different periods of time. Chapter Three is on the below subject: “Analyzing the background and process of “An Da Feng Gong”. Through analyzing the letter between Zhangsi Wei, Gao Gong, Zhangju Zheng and his uncle the local governors Wangchong Gu to summarize the positive functions for the “An Da Feng Gong”. Chapter Four is on the below subject: “Evaluating and Summarizing the active affection of Zhangsi Wei during the “An Da Feng Gong”.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhangsi Wei, AnDa Feng Gong, Frontier Trade, National Policy
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