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Moral Dilemma And Countermeasures Analysis Of Euthanasia

Posted on:2015-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WeiFull Text:PDF
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The history of euthanasia, is human cognitive process of death. From the attitude toward death, after the rejection, fear to identity and acceptance of wrenching change. Our country is under the influence of traditional ethics of rebirth concept, to death commonly held a kind of psychological resistance. Under the multicultural disseminated today, because the idea of freedom and liberation of human nature, readiness to prolong life time is not the only goal of life, but pay attention to life quality and life value, attention to optimize the ideal of life and death. But in the process, still there are many outstanding contradictions need to resolve. Both with respect to the manner of death attitude, and identification of the euthanasia ethical values and accept, have shown that people understanding of euthanasia which contains the meaning of ethics value and ethics. At the same time, inevitably euthanasia study also proposed the new task and requirement to ethics.This article is divided into three chapters, trying to put forward problems, analyzing problems, and the train of thought to solve the problem of theory and practice of euthanasia, careful analysis of as much as possible.In this paper, the first chapter is the introduction to the theory of euthanasia and the analysis of legitimacy. Main content is the mirror of history inspects the origin of euthanasia, combing the concept of euthanasia, interpretation and classification of euthanasia. Investigation especially concept analysis from the history of euthanasia, euthanasia can be confirmed the inherent legitimacy foundation, this problem from two aspects of human dignity and the right to life is needed.In the second chapter explores the ethical problems in the practice of euthanasia. Although euthanasia has legitimacy, but in real life is facing the ethical dilemmas, embodied in the conflict between euthanasia and medical ethics and euthanasia and Chinese filial piety culture conflict. The former from the life spirit of medical ethics and medical level, medical ethics and relationships, which is based on the understanding of the traditional Chinese filial piety culture, to the contradiction between "to die" and "born again".The third chapter is on the countermeasure analysis on the problem of euthanasia. Facing the moral dilemma of euthanasia and the necessity of the implementation of euthanasia, based on the full consideration of ethical concept, euthanasia to establish some ethical principles on the implementation of euthanasia. Countermeasures about euthanasia question analysis, it is proposed the life ethical care, and medical care, from the system level, from aspects of the medical security system and law application analysis for the practice of euthanasia.
Keywords/Search Tags:Euthanasia, Legitimacy, Moral dilemma, Countermeasures
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