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The Origin And Development Of Chinese Contemporary Dance

Posted on:2016-03-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D MengFull Text:PDF
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With the development of China, Chinese dancing art shows its versatility. From the end of the 20th century, an interesting phenomenon occurred. A new type of dance generated among the original types, in which includes Chinese national folk dance, classical dance, ballet and modern dance, shows great vitality. It is called as Chinese contemporary dance. This kind of phenomenon attracts the attention of the academic scholars in the field of dance, focusing from naming to the essence of the Chinese contemporary dance. The generation of contemporary dance triggered by dance competition, as a kind of cultural landscape, presented the colorful appearance, and is starting to get acceptance and appreciation from lots of audiences.Although it looks like that contemporary dance is a new form of art, it has experienced a long development period. From "new dance" budding art, which started from the 1930s, it has gradually involved into the development of Chinese dance art and creation. From 1998, it is named as "new dance", and also involved into the "Lotus award" dance competition. In 2002 the name of it changed as "contemporary dance" name. Although the boundaries of contemporary and modern dance is not that clear, a series of excellent modern dance really tell people the fact that it exists and continues to grow stronger. Its emergence and growth promote the multi-development of Chinese dance art. Based on the history and development of dance, the derivation of contemporary dance are investigated and analyzed herein. Through the analysis, the necessity of its existence is evaluated and verified.It is important to notice that the essence of contemporary dance, combining with the traditional dance and modern elements, are developing continuously. With the power of the society and their own law of development, it marched in realism creation path in a vibrant state. Contemporary dance is significantly important to the development of dance art. The study and analysis in this paper will help to clear the boundary of contemporary dance and its historical development.
Keywords/Search Tags:"New dance", China’s contemporary dance, Happen, Development
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