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Study Of Family Archive Culture In Hongloumeng

Posted on:2016-10-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330461486264Subject:Archival science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Modern society is the society that the personality was greatly enriched and developed. Every people, every family, they all have many life moment to be recorded. These records are just the family archives which archivists say. In information society, people has got used to obtain and use information, family archives have just shown how people set, use and deal with information in family units.Early in the dynasty of Shang and Zhou, there were written record about pedigree, it is always the main content of traditional Chinese family archives. With the development of society and people’s need, at the late feudal society, the content and style of Chinese family archives have changed and enriched a lot, but is always short of historical records.As classics that reflect the mundane life of feudal clans, the novel Hongloumeng has revealed many details about it which is noteworthy. The current version of Hongloumeng has 120 chapters, and express much of family archives culture. The word "dangzi" was mentioned many times definitely among the context, use of documents and files by different characters add up to eighty, the category of archives mentioned add up to more than 240 times. It’s not just about the quantity. In the novel, the author describes about the auxiliary function of financial management in family archives. At the same time, the archives of Jia family also play an important role in promoting the plot and shaping characters, Reflecting the author’s inclination. Research about the family archives culture in the novel can not only know about the history and our culture and tradition about family archives, but also enlighten today’s construction of family’s archives. Meanwhile, the revelation of family archives culture in the novel has enriched the its connotation on other side, which promote exchanges and joint between disciplines.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hongloumeng, Family Archives, Archives, Traditional Culture
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