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Research Of Symbolic Characteristics Of Shadow Play In Hua County And The Research Of Digitized Extraction

Posted on:2016-07-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
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The shadow puppet of Hua county is a magical collision of light and shadow, which is a valuable legacy in the long river of history in China under precipitation. It make the religious, entertainment and god blessing roles into one of the popular performances. Nowadays in the information society, with the impact of the stimulation of a lot of information and foreign culture, there have been great changes of people’s aesthetic view, consumption patterns in lifestyle. That make the culture become a kind of consumer products into the market.In contemporary society, the consumer has replaced the production become main motivation and goal of social life. The consumer market shift toward ideas consumption and characteristics consumption. The pursuit of for individuality of people in the consumption, makes people pay more attention to value of symbolic value, spiritual value, emotional appeal than the function of product at the same time. Shadow play withe a one thousand-year-old gradually lost their survival soil, the ability of resistance, and decline gradually.Based on the present situation, this paper do some research in order to make it more effective in the information society, achieve more effective communication, increasing concerns and understanding about its, and will bring more possibilities to its development, so as to realize the protection.First of all, this thesis is based on modern information technology environment. From the perspective of design and information visualization,considering the interaction relationship between the symbol of human,material, environment, society, culture, and art, the thesis cards and researches the relationship between the signifier and the signified of shadow play in Hua county by using the basic principle of semiology. This part consists of two parts: First, under the guidance of theory of semiotics, do the research of the characteristics of role shaping mainly combined the influence of shadow play with drama, history and other counties. This part’s symbolicfeatures research includes Toucha, clothes, and show. Second, in line with the semiotics theory, do the research of the characteristics of language characteristics mainly combination the influence of aesthetics and Chinese traditional cultural conceptions. This section includes language form principle and the way of performance analysis.Secondly, on the basis of the above research, do some research about digital extraction method of the shadow puppet of Hua county using the methods of combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods,perceptual engineering method, camera, a computer aided design software,statistical analysis software SPSS Statistics IBM 20, etc. That provide online dissemination of information of the Hua county shadow play art, provide digital visual material of the composition and application of the shadow play culture symbols in the modern creative industry, and also has a certain reference function of the other traditional culture protection and communication.Thirdly, the design part is the validation of the correctness and maneuverability of the research. In the designing practice part of the work,with the help of modern technology, combining traditional culture and modern technology make traditional culture into the network era. Through the mobile terminal APP client design practice, people can make the understanding of traditional culture combined with interactive entertainment.That can help to achieve the transmission and protection of traditional culture,and make its development possible.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hua county shadow play, symbolic features, extraction method, digital
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