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Aesthetics Theory Of The Decorative Art Of Pre-qin Bronze

Posted on:2016-09-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330461457243Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Pre-qin Dynasty, generally refers to the Xia dynasty, Shang dynasty, Zhou dynasty, and the spring and autumn period. the social patterns base on the structure of clan, patriarchal society, and dictatorial system.Bronze is an important carrier that can reflect temporal social life and aesthetic idea, it has great ideaistic and spiritual power. Decorative art always use decorative symbols and technique in decorative performance rule,combining the life, art, as a designed and transformed comprehensive art form that be d.In terms of bronzes, the language of decorative art mainly include the surface of artistic components, patterns and inscriptions of bronze.The pre-qin artistic form and style with a clear purpose of "myth and ritual", the purpose of the emotional expression and aesthetic consciousness of creation needs to obey an obscure determination of divine providence, and the requirements of the religious ethics. The shape and decorative pattern of bronze is not static, it is look like different as the function, shape and pattern of bronze be changed. In the eye art, there are different aesthetic feelings to the person along with different periods of bronze.In the period of xia dynasty, the bronze is original and plain, once in the period of Shang and Zhou dynasty, bronze has a sense of majesty, strength, mysterious. And at the late of Zhou dynasty to spring and autumn period, the bronze embodies the development trend of a kind of regularization and standardization. From the late of spring and autumn to the time of warring states, bronze is elegant and smart that the function and aesthetic feeling to achieve a high degree of unity. Bronze ware by myth and history, reality and god, man and beast to show a full image picture that very ambitious reveal a colorful, full of beautiful things in the world.Aesthetic proposition and category is an era of theory of crystallization aesthetic consciousness.on the one hand, the ideas will be scattered integrated in a large number of art work, on the other, it’s will be writhed on theoretical book. The people in Shang dynasty believed in god and ghosts, so the thoughts and ideas attached into bronze casting as well embodying the consciousness of original totem worship, make it into the concept of the rulers to consolidate the status.In the early western Zhou dynasty, the idea of god and ghost still continues, but in the later, although still emphasized the strict hierarchy between "kingdom" and "people", but injected with morality. From the spring and autumn period to warring states period, people’s rational spirit gradually deepening in order to understand of the aesthetic object and the sort out the development of aesthetic consciousness, Through classify the bronze ware, and analyzed aesthetic characteristics of decoration art of bronze ware that a study of modeling, the patterns,combined with the characteristics of bronze art of "Shen" "Zhong" "He" "Wen yu zhi",and analyzes how its effect the drawer’s personality,and the drawing thoughts of "Meaningful expressive" and "nature and humanity "ideology.
Keywords/Search Tags:the pre-qin bronze, decorative, aesthetics, thoughts painting
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