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Application Of Contrastive Approach To C-E Interpretation

Posted on:2016-02-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T JinFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid development of economy in our country, environment problem is becoming a relatively weak part which is often neglected by people especially the water pollution. Liaohe River is the mother river of people of Liaoning Province and its pollution problem needs to be solved urgently. That is why the author chose the documentary of Liaohe Protection Area as an interpretation material. During the process, the author focused on the differences between Chinese and English and concluded them from three aspects: parataxis and hypotaxis, analytic language and synthetic-analytic language, stative and dynamic. Furthermore, the author laid stress on studying interpreting long sentences under the contrast of parataxis and hypotaxis and used some interpretation strategies including addition, transposition, and explication of logic relations, division, and literal interpreting with explanation, context combination and fuzzy processing. With regard to the other two contrasts, the author also concludes it in the lexical level to C-E interpreting through choice of tense and transformation of dynamic and stative. Meanwhile, through the interpreting process, the author also got some experiences and enlightenment.
Keywords/Search Tags:contrast, parataxis and hypotaxis, long sentences, interpreting strategy
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