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Focusing Illusion Mechanism Of Expected Happiness Bias

Posted on:2015-06-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F F LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330452451217Subject:Applied Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From the experienced utility perspective, the subjective well-being includes expectedwell-being, instant well-being and retrospective well-being. There are extremelyimportant and essential differences among the three forms of experienced utility,which can lead to judgment bias and irrationality. The internal machenism includesunreliable remember experience, Peak end effect and the ignorance of duration,simulation bias, focusing illusion, underestimate the resilience, expectation effect andimmune neglect; the external influencing factors include the differences betweencurrent state and future state and the decision making different backgrounds that causethe expected bias. This article based on the theory focusing illusion, propose a newmechanism that can explain the expectation bias, and raise a corresponding methodthat can solve the expectation bias to improve the experience happiness. In this paper,we conduct three validation studies and having the following conclusions:(1) The happiness is the sum of emotional experience generated by peoplecharacterizing the life events. college students’ life events can be divided into fivetypes: learning activities, contact with friends, family, leisure activities, internshipsand part-time jobs.(2) The difference between expected happiness and experience happiness due to theexistence of the focusing illusion when people expecting future life, so as to makepeople feel that the siege phenomenon is everywhere. Focusing illusion is that peoplealways overestimate the importance of something that will impact on overallwell-being.(3) Usually when people expected future life characterize the abstract and promotingfeature; while when experiencing at present often characterize the surface of theconcrete and hedonic features.(4) When expecting life in the future, abstract meaning of focusing on events are lesslikely to produce focusing illusion relative to the specific meaning, and make a higher experience utility under the condition of the characterization of the abstract meaningthan under the condition of characterizing the specific meaning. So when focusing onabstract features of future events, expected happiness won’t produce deviation, or willhave a smaller deviation, which can avoid the phenomenon of siege.
Keywords/Search Tags:Expected happiness, experienced happiness, expected bias, abstractrepresentation, detailed characterization, focusing illusion
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