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"Flying" And Writing:an Interpretation Of Kafka

Posted on:2013-10-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330434975639Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Over100years, the study of Kafka’s works has formed an overall understanding on the works of Kafka. However, due to the "open" feature of Kafka led them to the dialectical interaction between the paradigm with a variety of new criticism and literary theory, so that researchers are able to examine the works of Kafka from all angles. For "The relationship between modern transportation and Kafka’s writing", the researcher has tendency to focus on Kafka’s works that project "the transportation " image by the railway and road, while ignore the aircraft and the "flight" image that projected on the Kafka’s works. Therefore, we think that the research on Kafka has entered a detail and specific orientation now, its worth and meaningful to explore the Image of "flight" in his works.This paper studies about the relationship between the "flight" image of Kafka and Kafka writing. The first chapter of this paper discuss about the Article "The Airplanes at Brescia", to examine the relationship between the "flight" image and Kafka’s hope on his works, and to discuss Kafka criticism of the "flight". This paper argues Kafka’s description on the flight see himself in an ideal state of imagination, led to understand about the writer who can maintain his authentic and adventure creation. Kafka’s irony of the "flight", presented his insistence on his writing style and requirements. The "flight" is the best reflection of Kafka’s writing style. The second chapter study the "Merchant" and "Coal Bucket Knight" articles combine with Kafka’s other works, and discuss comprehensively about the relationship between Kafka’s "flight" with the hero’s in the articles. We argue that, the "flight" image is a metaphor to reflect the hero’s solitude, its shows Kafka’s creative impulse in this state; it could be a metaphor of the writer’s escapist ideals and survival predicament; it’s a metaphor about the hero’s thought process and creative mind. We argue that,"flight" as one of the perspective for us to explain about Kafka works, so it has special meaning behind.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Flying", Writing, Kafka
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