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Skopos Theory Based Translation Of TCM Booklets Of Direction

Posted on:2015-09-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X TangFull Text:PDF
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With the further deepening of the reform and opening up policy, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) increasingly favored by foreigners. Hence, the C-E translation of TCM booklets of direction is of great importance to the introduction of TCM and related Chinese medicine products to the international market. However, it has been a hot topic and unsolved question that how to achieve the goal of translating TCM booklets of directions explicitly and clearly so that foreign customers may have a better understanding of Chinese medicine products.Based on the Skopos Theory, the thesis firstly introduces TCMBD as a language variety has its specificity and function,such as informative、cautionary and instructive. Then uses the three principles of Skopos Theory to discuss the major problems in the field of TCM booklets of direction translation, for example, lack of unified standard.、lack of professional interpreters. And according to existing translation of TCMBD, analyze how to translate the names of Chinese medicine products、TCM terminologies, and their table format. Meanwhile, refers to how to use the three principles of Skopos Theory to guide our translation. The skopos rule tell us the special purpose of TCMBD determine the means of translation. The coherence rule tell us we must take the culture background into consideration to realize culture coherence when we translate. Loyalty rules deals with the relationship between a translation and the source text. These three rules give us a guidance in TCMBD translation. The thesis also summarize four principles on how to translate TCMBD due to the characteristics of it. The first one is standardization of professional terms, that means set a feasibility standardization from the aspects of linguistic、 philosophy、culture and fuction. The second one is sufficiency of information, use transliteration and literal translation to express sufficiency information in translation. The third one is explicitness of instructions, that means TCMBD as a special style, must have specific instruction to guide users use medicine. The last one is specification of structure, TCMBD has its own format that we must obey in translation process to accord with the requirement of medicine exportation.This paper aims to improve and perfect the translation of TCM booklets of directions so as to solve the problem of translating TCM booklets of directions explicitly and clearly, and to promote TCM to the international market.
Keywords/Search Tags:TCM, booklets of direction translation, Skopos theory, translationprinciples
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