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On Family Virtues Thought And Values In "Yan Shi Family Precepts"

Posted on:2015-01-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LuoFull Text:PDF
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Family virtue is a code that every citizen should follow in the family life. It is toadjust the members of the family and family life which is closely related to theinterpersonal relationship norms. Family bear the important responsibility for developand educate of next generation. Family tradition directly affects the healthy growth ofchildren and adolescent,family life is closely related to the social life. In this essay,we will study the main content of “Yan Shi family precepts”, analyze its familyvirtues thought of individuals,families,social value. The thesis is divided into threechapters.The first chapter introduces the author of Yan Shi family precepts——YanZhitui’s life,expounded the Confucian thought is the ideological origin of the journalYan Shi family precepts,illustrates the social impact of “Yan Shi family precepts”,including positive impact and limitations.The second chapter summarizes the main content of Yan Shi family precepts offamily virtues and thought. Mainly from the “godson”,“brothers”,“marry” after,such as “in” article refine his righteousness fu shun brother,father and children,friends brother ready and the ethics of the family;From the “preface to”,“in” and“manner and integrity” article extracted and grandmother specification,thrifty,start-up of the traditional virtues;From “godson”,“moral” and so on article refinemoral education and moral education thought.Interlinked with the second chapter,chapter three analyzes the contemporaryvalue of Yan Shi family precepts of family virtues and thoughts. Out of the humanfamily thought analysis to build a harmonious family,including a happy marriage,CiXiao factors of traditional,family harmony;From the virtue normative analysis topromote good social climate,including social responsibility,diligence and ethos,family trait of the construction of the factors;From the analysis of education thoughts,to cultivate talented persons,including ideological and moral qualities,scientific and cultural qualities of factors.Family virtue is the concrete embodiment of ethics in family life,modern societyshould carry on the traditional family virtue,form socialist family virtues,make eachfamily member own moral responsibility and moral duty,realize the dedication. Thestudy of Yan Shi family precepts of family virtues and thoughts has an importantvalue to the contemporary personal accomplishment to strengthen,family harmony,love,good social climate.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yan Shi family precepts, family virtues, value
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