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On The Rise And Decline Of Li Shui “barbizon Painting” Group

Posted on:2015-09-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Q MaFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With humanism ideal and creating regional and realistic landscape paintings, TheFrench artists of Barbizon School had found the aesthetics value of daily life of thecommon people; while in the Li Shui city, Zhejiang province, the artists found thesimilar scenery to the Barbizon area in France. They also affected by the creativeconcept of Barbizon. The artists in Li Shui chose the scenery in their hometown,painted from the nature of their hometown. They followed the name and spirit ofBarbizon in France and developed the Barbizon Painting School in Li Shui Area.In the beginning of1990’s, the appearance of Chinese art market has driven theoil painting creation. The landscape painting works in Li Shui area were welcomed.The Li Shui Barbizon School has also affected a lot in Zhejiang painting world.Accompany with the Varity of Chinese oil painting creation and the diversification ofthe art market, the art creation in Li Shui area has also been affected and graduallybeen marginalized.After the development of cultural tour project in “Gu Yan Painting Town” inLi Shui, the Li Shui government has brought in the painting workers in Da FenVillage, which caused the Barbizon School immerged with the commercial works.The painters in Li Shui area has getting puzzled with the new situation, and graduallysome artists wanted to leave and away from this painting school. So far, the BarbizonSchool has met new challenges.This thesis studies the rise and development of Li Shui Barbizon Painting School,analysis the reasons to affect the painting group, proves and reveals their confusion inthe new times. The thesis gets conclusions and inspirations on several aspects, such as,art and life, painting creation and art marker, painting groups and local economydevelopment, chance and challenges.
Keywords/Search Tags:Li Shui“Barbizon School”, Oil Painting Group, Landscape OilPainting, Gu Yan Oil Painting County, Art Market
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