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The Fantasy Short Film Performance Practices

Posted on:2015-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M CaoFull Text:PDF
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This is a short film of a fantasy story. The protagonist travels back and forth in timeand space with the help of a magical rose, exploring the inner world of others, which alsocontributes to the transformation of himself. It’s a non-realistic fantasy composed ofexotic as well as allegorical elements. The audience is supposed to gain a profoundrevelation with the lesson the protagonist gets in this simple story. The theme of the storycan be concluded as that there will be loss and we shall seize the present as we only liveonce.The passage consists of4sections.Introduction, a brief introduction to the definition, development, and represents offantasy films and television series. It offers the concept of the position of the story to becreated.Section One, discussion about the fantasy elements of The Fable from both withinthe story itself and screenwriting based on my creating experience.Section Two, discussion about the expression methods of The Fable based on mycreating experience.Section Three, discussion about the post-production process of The Fable based onmy creating experience.Fantasy films and televion series has their own unique characteristics, from theaspects of the story, the lens languages, and the post-production process. The top priority,however, lies on how to create a feeling of fantasy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fantasy, Short film, Creative analysis
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