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On The Relationship Between The Outcome Of Lao She’s Novel And Cultural Context Of The1920-1940Decade

Posted on:2015-05-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431982560Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
1920-1940-s, Lao she created a large number of novels, the novel the end of the typical,represents the cultural thought of Lao she’s in the early stage of the founding, and is closelyrelated to cultural context at that time formed. In this paper, according to the difference oftime and space of Lao she’s creation will be20-40s, Lao she’s creation is divided into threeperiods, detail work ending cultural context and complex relationship. In the early literature,Lao she with the mindset of participants into the literary world, to recall Beijing real lifeexperience as writing resources; Under the background of the life outside of, referring to thewestern culture of English, to construct ideal of Chinese culture. Such cultural contextdetermines the "inquiry" in his early work the end of the way, for all kinds of social problems,Lao she use your imagination, in a way of thought to express his cultural ideal. To Lao shewitnessed after the Chinese society in the dark and the suffering of the civilian life and workof the end of the "escape" and "destruction" make the author’s experience...
Keywords/Search Tags:Lao she, A novel ending, Cultural context
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