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An Analysis Of The Article Theory Reflected In Hanfenlou Wen Tan By Wu Zengqi

Posted on:2015-07-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Z HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431974280Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Han Fen Lou Wen Tan which wrote by Wu Zengqi for that his readersadviced for the law article academic works. The style of the book is almostsimilar with Carving of Dragons,aiming to guide writing practice. It has atight style and wide field of view, furthermore, it has a novelty that is differentfrom the old articles. This paper mainly from the culture, style, the rhetoricfrom three aspects to elaborate construction of Wu Zengqi’s writingtheory system, unique and tries to discuss the theory of Wu inheritedpredecessors.This article mainly divides into three parts: preface, text and conclusion.Perface section describes Wu Zeng Qi’s life experience, the versioninformation of Han Fen Lou Wen Tan, the significance of the topic, theresearch description, the research perspective and methods and proposedresearch questions.The text is divided into three parts: the theory of cultivation, the rgumentand the rhetoric style.First,Wen Tan discuss of the conservation, divided into literary talent, spiritand personality. The accumulation of extensive knowledge andself-cultivation of mutual complement and transformation, pointing to thecultivation of the “action” and “spiritual”, in order to achieve the perfectcombination of the two.Secondly,Wu ’s article style distinction is important part of Wu’s theory,but few people study. From Han Fen Lou Gu Jin Wen Chao compliationpractice and his life experience, especially summed up Wen Ti Chu Yanappendix after the Han Fen Lou Wen Tan text.This is the essence of literarythought.In this paper,from the analysis for the first, the style evolution,according to the body is a stylistic thought off the three aspects of Wu.Thirdly, the rhetoric is the essence of Wu’s change state of mind.The articlediscourses from "Seek it real to the ancients as a teacher, should from now on use of language title" and "Exact words must divisions old saying, the pursuitof self-Kit Kat passed away" and “previous rules of usage of inherited, rhymeshould not deliberately".The conclusion briefly expounds the contributions and limitations of thetheory of Wu. His article theory is good at extracting the previous thoughtessence,bold breakthrough in the ideological shackles, therefore his theoryseems outmodede but is new. Of course, because of the time,vision and thelimits of thought, his theory also has flaws. However, Wu’s theory in the lateQing Dynasty, the development of chain and even the whole of the article arean indispensable.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wu Zengqi, Hanfenlou Wen Tan, article theory, cultivationtheory, stylistic resolution theory, rhetorical theory
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