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A Comparative Study Of Zhuanezi And YueiiAesthetics Of Music

Posted on:2015-10-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z D TanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Zhuangzi and Yueji were written in the Spring and Autumn Period. During thisperiod, society is very confusing, each school has different thinking on society and life, aimedat resolving social chaos, maintaining the feudal rule. Yueji is a Confucian music theorymonographs, there on the music system and profound exposition, but also fully embodies theideology and political philosophy of Confucianism. Zhuangzi is Taoist school representativeworks, fully reflects the political ideology and philosophy of Taoism. Although, compared tothe Yueji, Zhuangzi not systematic exposition about music, but also everywhere. It can be saidin-depth study of both aesthetics of music, for us to grasp more deeply the ideas ofConfucianism and Taoism has important significance. In this paper, by contrast, researchmethods, and on the basis of Confucianism and Taoism political thought and philosophy on,Discusses the Zhuangzi and Yueji on similarities and differences between the four aspects ofmusic production, music aesthetics, music, social role, and the role of music on people, etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhuangzi, Yueji, Cosmic Noumenon, Musical Source, Musical ExperienceWay, Social Role, Human Realm
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