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Mahler’s Love And Art Songs

Posted on:2015-04-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J M HuangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper studies associated with Mahler’s love and art songs. By analysing Mahler’s love story, the background of those stories and the in-depth study of Mahler’s Lieder, we find that every Mahler’s love experience had different effects on Mahler’s art songs. Mahler had written three art songs with piano accompaniment for Josephine who were his first love. These three songs are simpel and pure, full of his missing to Josephine. The early period songs of Mahler were like his love,pure and full of missing. But when Mahler worked in Kassel his other fell with soprano Johanna· Richter had brought unimaginable pain to him. At that time Mahler was in the beginning of his career. The cruelty of true life and the tragic love experience had destroyed Mahler’s music dream. But Mahler had aways stuck to live and create in adversity. The love in Kassel did not bring the comfort to Mahler, but bring the heavier blow to him. Mahler’s divertimento named Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (’songs of a Wayfarer’) is the portrayal of Mahler’s love experience. The divertimento expressed Mahler’s pain and sadness as a result of his loss of love. Mahler met Natalie Bauer-Lechner in1891, who spenf the holidays with Mahler every year. In1901, with the completion of construction of Mahler’s house by the Wirt lake, Mahler had a wonderful holiday with Natalie there, which enhanced their love. During that time, Mahler composed the song Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen, which revealed Mahler’s desire for family life. Mahler and his wife Alma Mahler’s marriage lasted for a decade. Alma is Malher’s beloved person, who not only took care of Malher, but also created a good environment for his musical creation, and at the same time, served as an assistant in Mahler’s musical creation. Mlma had a strong influence over the later part of Mahler’s creation, while Mahler had written only one song Liebst du um Schonheit for Alma to express his fervent love for her.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mahler, Josephine, Johanna·Richter, Natalie Bauer-Lechner, Alma, Art song, Love
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